You Worked Hard For Your Diploma. Frame It To Last
Young people spend years achieving their diploma through hard work and study. In addition to the time spent, many students and/or their loved ones invest a lot of money assuring a good education and at the end, proof of their achievement and success, being a diploma.
With so many businesses offering to frame your diploma or selling you frames through your college or university store , even online, it is important you know what you are purchasing.
Many sell you on a diploma frame with a logo and college name printed on the mat. Others offer a low priced mass produced frame with no protective attributes or quality materials. And, others sell frames that contain an image of the school or a place to insert your tassel in the frame with the diploma.
Depending on your mood or impulse, with the thrill of completing your education, you look to buy the first frame you like.
However, you should look at frames that will offer the following: Preserve and protect your diploma, will fit in well with your other framed documents and artwork and won't look tired over time.
Our frames are high quality, gallery style frames made with authentic hard and durable woods. They also consist of museum level glazing and matting components needed to protect your diploma from fading and other environmental harm. And, they will go well with your other professional wall hangings and artwork.
There is no point buying the first frame that catches your eye. Get a frame that will provide all the properties you need to make a statement, look classic and tasteful for the long run.